the e-poets network Videotheque


I'm Not Tonto

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dedication: in memory of Nancy Broeffle

E. Donald Two-Rivers performance, poet
Rana Segal & Beverly Moeser producers
Beverly Moeser director
Rana Segal director of photography
Carol McCall, Dee Logan, Jay Parisian, Craig LaFontaine, Johnna Austin production crew
Sedgwick Productions post-production facilities

special thansk to the Just Butch Lounge, George Macropoulous, Iwona Biederman, Jalal and Ilya

The poem I'm Not Tonto was published in E. Donald Two-Rivers' first book, A Dozen Cold Ones, available from March/Abrazo Press (Chicago, 1992)

copyright 1993, Jack Fish Productions

TRT: 4 min 15 sec
originally produced on Betacam videotape, mono, NTSC


MPEG-4 version: standard definition, NTSC, 320 x 240 px
Windows Media Video version: standard definition, NTSC, 320 x 240 px

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This video is published here by permission of the director.

This video is copyrighted content. Rights to the video reverted back to the video's creators upon its publication here.

This video does not exist in high-definition (HD) video. The original was created using only standard-definition (SD) production equipment.