the e-poets network Videotheque


the Woman Made Gallery collection

In 1992, Beate Minkovski co-founded Woman Made Gallery together with artist, Kelly Hensen. In the time since, the Gallery has hosted literally hundreds of exhibitions, and presented the work of thousands of women artists. As part of this effort, the Gallery included the work of esteemed women writers. The authors exemplify the spark and diversity in new writing, that critically and culturally resonate with the visual art in the Gallery.

Starting in 2010, the Gallery teamed with its literary curator Nina Corwin and e-poets network founder Kurt Heintz. Shortly after, the Gallery added WBEZ-FM/Chicago Public Radio to the team. Together, the Gallery and partners produced a significant and growing body of poetry recorded as audio which was shared online and occasionally on-air through WBEZ-FM.

But in 2013, the Chicago Amplified project came to an end. And so today, this website continues with the archive begat by that project, by putting Woman Made Gallery's media contributions online in an organized, curated manner.

e-poets network has brought video to a few of the Gallery's literary events. e-poets has a germinal relationship with poetry in video form. See the left margin lists artists and particular poems you may view here.

The audio recordings of full Woman Made Gallery shows can be auditioned in the e-poets Book of Voices, here.